What’s Fruit Powder and Extraction
The fruit powders and extracts are the dried powder that contains a vibrant color, excellent flavor and phytonutrients from real fruit by advanced technology. This processing method has no no artificial color or preservatives and preserves low moisture, low fat and low sodium. They are less expensive to ship than whole fruits, which possess an impressive shelf life and are easy to incorporate into the formulation. they have been widely used in the children’s and bodybuilding market for fitness supplements, nutraceutical supplements and beverages.
Why Choose Raimbow Biotech?
Fruits and vegetables have a high dietary fiber and vitamin content, that is they are rapidly-growing need in healthy diets, foods and beverages. Rainbow® biotech provides you with a great selection of vegetable and fruits ingredients that are tailored exactly to the specific requirements of your industry – from color to healthy diet and mouthfeel, and wonderful combinations when mixed, like Beta-Carotene, lutein, apple fruit vinegar and so on and we are confident that your business will find suitable extracts from our product list.
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